Alle nuusbriewe en relevante nuusbrokkies word hier geplaas in chronologiese volgorde, met nuutste artikels heelbo.Kliek gerus op een van die volgende skakels indien u slegs op een nuusbron wil fokus:
Terugvoer oor 2016 oes
Lesse geleer in 2016
Voornemens vir 2017 seisoen
Trends in Australian canola productivity
Can SA break through the yield barrier?
The ideal planting date for soya
Sulphur and nitrogen boost yield
Nitrogen fertilisation of soya
The effect of global warming
Canola feed for farm animals and ostriches
Impact of the drought on markets
Soya meal consumption in the US
Lows and highs of markets
Feedback from the Canola symposium
‘Can’t believe this has gone through’ - industry reacts as EU bans pesticide use on EFAs
What is desertification and what can be done to prevent it
Results from the 2016 production season at Tygerhoek and Napky research sites
Spoorelement bestuur by koring
Trial results from the first season of the new long term trial at Langgewens
Understanding the role of biodiversity in our soils
Brazil’s success in No Till cropping systems
What cover crop research shows
Die koring plant (deel 2) – Opkoms tot stoel
Why It’s Time to Stop Punishing Our Soils with Fertilizers
Some Myths About Agriculture
Proven Benefits of No Till Conservation Agriculture Rising in the UK
Return to 6.5% organic matter
Soil health frames low-input business vision
Magic cover crop carpet?
Is glyphosate vital
Potassium: The Overlooked Nutrient In Crop Production
Clues on continuing cropping systems to continue
Soils For Life focuses on capturing more rain through better land management
Secure a clean seed-to-soil contact – something to think about
Fisiologie van die Ontkiemende Koringplant vs “Slaggate” in ‘n Droë Seisoen (Peter Greeff)
Bemesting in ‘n droe jaar (Roelie steyn)
What is Regenerative Agriculture?
No-Till and Cover Crops from a Farmer’s Point of View
Mitigating climate change by low-disturbance no-tillage (Dr C John Baker)
Global Carbon Capture
My client has purchased a disc seeder – what does this mean for my advice? (Barry Haskins)
When is it Time for a No-Till Field to Be Tilled? Never!
Celebrating Soil Builders on World Soil Day
Nitrogen pollution: the forgotten element of climate change
The Obama Administration Announces New Steps to Maintain and Create Healthy Soils
Weaning lambs early could offer big benefits, trial shows
Better Soils with the No-Till System
Weed control, soil health go hand-in-hand
Despite challenges with consistency and repeatability, soil health testing is worthwhile
How Cover Crop Mixes are Revving up No-Till Systems
“Beeplants of South Africa” book is launched
Harnessing Conservation Agriculture to fight climate change
Photos and CAWC Management Team
Onkruiddoderskade op canola saailinge
Groep B (ook bekend as SU's of Imi's)
Groep F (Diflufenikan)
Wat staan produsente te doen?
Stikstofbemesting wenke vir canola
Pieter Beukes: 2016 PNS Canola opbrengskompetisie wenner vir die Suid-Kaap
Canola Opbrengskompetisie 2017,
Skryf in vanaf 1 Julie 2017
Bagrada kewer – Bagrada hilaris
Canola Opbrengskompetisie 2017
Droogteverdraagsaamheid van canola saailinge
PJA Lombard, Prof A Agenbag en J McDermott
Kletodim (sikloheksaandioon) skade by canola (Lombard P, Strauss J en Cummings C)
Canola kultivarevaluasie: Wes- en Suid-Kaap 2016
Aspekte wat die keuse van canola kultivars vir 2017 kan beïnvloed
Insetkoste besparings: wenke vir canolaprodusente (Chris Cumming)
Bestuur van Weerstandbiedende Onkruide (Chris Cumming)
Canola Simposia 2016 (André Agenbag)
Canola Opbrengskompetisie 2016
6th International Biofumigation Symposium